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Real-Time Data and Predictive Insights for Energy, Gas, and Utilities with Zira Greenbutton Integration
trusted by industry leaders
Revolutionizing Energy Management with Real-Time Data Processing

Real-time data shows management, operations, and maintenance teams exactly how they’re using energy at any moment. With Zira, managers can quickly spot issues, make better decisions, and take action to save energy and reduce costs. Visibility into real-time consumption helps them work more efficiently and supports more innovative, sustainable practices that are better for the environment and the future.
To connect, log in to your utility account and look for the "Data Sharing & Download" option. Check if your utility supports Green Button by visiting or contacting your utility representative.
Enhanced Operational Efficiency
Data-Driven Decision Making
Improved Sustainability Metrics
To connect, log in to your utility account and look for the "Data Sharing & Download" option.
You can also check if your utility supports Green Button by visiting or contacting your utility representative.
Easily Integrate Utility Data with Zira via Green Button

Get started today with Zira
We're here to help you transform your operation.
Trusdted by customers from all sectors
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